Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lucy gets baptized
Today was a very special day. Lucy was baptized at First Presbyterian Church in Bellevue. She was surrounded by all of her loving family including Grandma and Grandpa Koberg, Grammy and Grandad Hiemstra, Uncle Matt and Aunt Kristina, Aunty Rebekah, Aunty Leah, Cousin Gavin and Andrew, Aunty Sarah and Uncle Chad and cousins Oliver, Avery and Elliott. In addition, Laura and Isabella Quartiello and Anne Sand were in attendance. 

Right before the ceremony, we lost Lucy's binkie and were a bit panicked going up in front of the congregation without anything to soothe Lucy if she got upset.  Fortunately,  Lucy stayed calm even when she was handed to the pastor.  She did let out a few little squaks just to let everyone know she was there, but overall she did great. After being baptized Lucy fell asleep in her Uncle Matt's arms for most of the service.  We selected a bible verse that Paul read during her baptism service. It was Mathew 5:14-16

After Church all of the family came over for brunch at our house. Lucy received many special gifts from her family.  It was a very special day and we felt very loved.  

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve
Lucy had a very busy schedule today.  Christmas Eve is always the beginning of two days of shuffling between the Hiemstra's and the Koberg's.  This year the family headed to Eastside Four Square church to watch Lucy's cousin Oliver in the church nativity scene.  Her auntie Mary was in town from San Francisco.  She and auntie Rebekah were very excited to see Lucy and took turns holding her throughout the service. The music was loud but Lucy ever the calm baby sat throught he service without a fuss.  Other's commented on what a "chill" baby she is. 

After church, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Koberg's for the big Christmas Eve party.  Everyone wanted to take a turn holding Lucy.  She is always so happy to be held and moves from person to person with ease.  We have been blessed with a very well adjusted and laid back baby! 


Sunday, December 16, 2012

PEPS Christmas Party
Lucy attended her first Christmas party with her friends from the PEPS group.  She showed off by rolling over from her stomach onto her back. 

Lucy and the adorable Drew's

Baxter and Lucy enjoyed some downtime after the party


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lucy visits Molbaks
Today we visited Molbaks in Woodinville with Grandma Koberg.  Molbaks is that beautiful place filled with all the things you don't need but can't live without. During the holidays it is a special place to be.  After taking dozen's of photos in front of the poinsettia tree, bear display, sled display, etc. we spent at least an hour picking out a poinsettia for our house.  Who knew there were so many different types of poinsettia plants! 

Picture time was fun.  There were lots of friendly people volunteering to take pictures of us, and commented on Lucy's adorable outfit.  Lucy is not short of compliments these days, and her Grandma is very proud to be seen with her :-)

We went to Molbaks back in August when I was pregnant with Lucy and seem to have made a tradition of having lunch at Molbaks, shopping around and then heading across the street to the Hannah Anderson outlet to pick out some cute clothes for miss Lucy.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Lucy's first visit to see Santa!
Today we got Lucy dressed up to meet Santa for the first time.  We headed to Bellevue Square for the big event and then had dinner at Red Robin after.  One of those days that makes you realize you really are a parent!  Lucy did well with Santa.  She didn't seem very interested in the big guy with a beard.  Next year we are expecting some tears :-)